Povilas Norvaišas


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About me

Hello, my name is Povilas and I am a Senior Bioinformatics Data Scientist at BenevolentAI. I have contributed to a number of projects associated with drug design, development and action. You can find my resume here.


I have started my research career at a time when interdisciplinarity was a way to go. I graduated BSc Biophysics at Vilnius University in Lithuania. At the Vilnius University Insitute of Biotechnology, Department of Biothermodynamics and Drug Design led by Prof. Daumantas Matulis I investigated the basic principles of hydrophobic effect (one of the key forms of interaction between drugs and their targets) using detergents as a simple model. During this time I gradually shifted my focus to molecular modelling and cheminformatics.

After graduation, I had an opportunity to do a year internship at The Houston Methodist Research Institute, Department of Nanomedicine. Here I investigated compatibility principles between drugs and nanoparticles as well as possible mechanism behind cancer prevention using NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, think aspirin).

After coming back to Lithuania I have continued working at the Department of Biothermodynamics and Drug Design. Here I have established a database of several hundred ligands developed at the department as well as their cheminformatics analysis routines.

As a Wellcome Trust PhD student in Dr. Filipe Cabreiro and Dr. Kevin Bryson groups at UCL I have developed experimental and computational approaches to investigate Drug-Host-Microbiota-Diet interaction in a C. elegans-E. coli model. I have created data analysis, modelling and visualisation pipelines in R & Python for high-throughput omics studies. This work has resulted in two publications in Cell.

Currently I work as a Senior Bioinformatics Data Scientist at BenevolentAI. I contribute to the development of disease endotyping and patient stratification methods which rely on omics data.


In my free time I practice Wu style Tai Chi Chuan, travel as much as I can, go on an occassional diving trip and savour fine things in life (friends, food, books and art). My resolution is to live as happily, healthy and long as I can. stiklainiai


Contact me

Feel free to contact me via email: povilas.norvaisasdrawinggmail.com